Alternatives to Surrendering Your Pet

At Cusco Canine Rescue, we provide numerous resources to preserve the bond between pets and their families. We kindly encourage you to explore every available alternative before considering surrendering your pet.

After exploring all available options, you may decide that surrendering your pet is the best or only remaining option. If so, please follow the steps below.

Appointment Process for Pet Surrender

  1. Filling out the intake forms: Begin by filling out the relevant online intake form. Completing these forms before your appointment allows us to gather as much information about your pet as possible.
  2. Scheduling the appointment: After submitting your surrender form, you can expect to receive an email or a phone call within 24 hours to arrange your work. Appointments can be scheduled between 10:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays and from 12:00 p.m. to 5 p.m. on weekends.
  3. Arriving for the appointment: On the date of your scheduled appointment, please bring your dog, cat, or small animal to Cusco Canine Rescue’s main location. The appointment will take approximately 45 minutes as we conduct a thorough pet health examination and behavioral assessment.
  4. Next Steps: After collecting all necessary information about your pet and completing the evaluation, we’ll discuss the next steps. Our priority is to ensure a smooth transition for your pet during this process.

Thank you for choosing Cusco Canine Rescue for your pet’s surrender and for working with us to make this process as straightforward as possible.


At Cusco Canine Rescue, we acknowledge that each dog under our wing has distinct requirements that demand personalized care and resources. It takes around $15 per day to deliver the requisite respect for a single dog from the point of surrender until adoption.

During your surrender appointment, we will thoroughly evaluate your pet’s medical and behavioral needs to estimate the resources necessary for preparing your dog for adoption. This is the occasion where you can contribute, as per your capability, towards the cost of your pet’s care during their stay with us. Your generous donation will ensure your pet’s safety, health, and well-being until their new family embraces them.

We’re steadfast in our commitment to providing superior care to every dog in our shelter. We firmly believe every dog deserves the finest possible consideration and resources for prosperity. Thank you for considering Cusco Canine Rescue as a haven for your pet’s surrender and your significant contribution to their care.

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