Affordable Veterinary Care for Pet Dogs: Cusco Canine Rescue’s Veterinarian Assistance Program

At Cusco Canine Rescue, we understand that veterinary care can be expensive and that many pet owners face financial barriers to accessing the care their pets need. That’s why we offer our Veterinarian Assistance program, which helps coordinate affordable veterinary care for pet owners who cannot afford the full cost of veterinary services.

Generous grants and donations fund our Veterinarian Assistance program, and our goal is to keep pets in their loving homes and prevent them from being relinquished to a shelter due to medical costs. We believe every pet deserves access to quality veterinary care, regardless of their owner’s financial situation.

We work with local veterinarians to provide various services, including exams, vaccinations, medications, and surgeries, at a reduced cost for eligible pet owners. We understand that every pet’s needs are unique, and we work with each pet owner to create a personalized care plan that meets their pet’s individual needs.

If you’re a pet owner needing affordable veterinary care for your furry friend, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’re here to help keep pets happy, healthy, and in their loving homes.

Veterinary Assistance Application

This application is for residents of Cusco only. If you live outside of the Cusco region, please refer to the resources listed below.

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